Make money with google adsense
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
How to make money with google adsense? You've heard it everywhere. One of the easiest ways to start an online business and make money instantly is with Google Adsense affiliate program, promising lots of benefits of Adsense riches. Most people heard about these phenomena sweeping the entire internet nation, run around ready to go, regardless they're ready or not. But, unfortunately most of them fall flat on their faces, trying.
To make money with Google Adsense is not as easy as it seems but it's not difficult either, if you do it can read this adsense trick for newbie You must have the right system from the start right till the end. Many people failed to follow the simple basic rules of building a simple website. I believe most of them used some sort of automated tools that can build many websites in a short period of time. Google bans these websites in a short period of time too. There are many other factors involved but I'm not going to discuss them all here. I believe you get the point.
Bottomline - there are work need to be done before you can make money with Google Adsense. This is where most people failed. They don't have what it takes to do it. In another words, they're lazy. They want some kind of solution or remedy or I would say, magic portion that can help them to make money fast. Let me tell you this. There is no free lunch when it comes to make money with Google Adsense. Simple as that.
Remember I told you that it's not that difficult if you know the system. Let me lay them down to you. These are just brief guidelines. There're more to it and this is where you need to do your part. There is lots of information you can get for FREE on the net. Go out there and hunt for food, if you want to survive.
Briefly these are the things you need to do.
1) Find a theme of your website
2) Do a keyword research
3) Build a site based on the keywords and put up some Adsense ads
4) Promote, promote, promote your site
The reason I emphasize on promoting your site is to generate as many visitors as possible. If no one visits your site, then how can you expect clicks on your Adsense ads? No clicks = no money.
the rule number 4 is more harder then the others, cause it need our time, energy,concentration, and you must learn and learn about how to monetized your site
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