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Adwords Advertising - How To Increase Your Quality Score In 4 Easy Steps  

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Google Adwords' Quality Score has often been a mystery to many online marketers. But many Adwords experts agree that there are 3 main components to achieving a high Quality Score and lowering your minimum cost per click - your ad copy, your clickthrough rates (CTR) and your landing page copy.

Here are 4 easy steps you can take to boost your Quality Score and get lower minimum costs per click:

1. Include Your Keywords In Your Ad Copy

Having your keywords in your ad title and body copy is one of the keys to writing a relevant ad. Also, this simple act makes your keywords bolded and gives it more prominence among the listings, improving your CTR and lowering your costs per click. It's a 'vicious' cycle!

2. Include Your Keywords In Your URL

Include your keywords in your URL. Again, this has been proven to increase CTR and that is one of the strongest determinants of a good Quality Score - the clickthrough rates.

3. Increase Your Clickthrough Rates By Split-Testing Your Ad Copy

Write 2 different ads and have them rotate evenly. You can do this under your Campaign options. Doing this will allow to see which ad is performing better and getting a better clickthrough rate. Always create new ads to test against your 'control' ad, or your current best performing ad.

4. Include Your Keywords On Your Landing Page

Landing page relevancy is another important factor of Quality Score. Having your keywords on your landing page indicates relevancy and it allows you to pay lower costs per click.

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